Risk Management Consulting Firm for Accountants

Picardi, LLC, is a law and risk management consulting firm dedicated to serving the accounting industry. We assist accounting professionals and their liability insurers with risk management and claims and incident defense.


Our Risk Management Services


We provide accounting professionals and their liability insurers with comprehensive risk management services. Our primary services fall under the following categories.


  • HotlineSince 1996, Attorney Picardi has provided national hotline services for accounting professional liability programs. The hotline has been an effective loss control tool for accounting firms and their carriers. It is designed to help accounting firms avoid and defend themselves from claims.
  • Direct consultingWhen your firm's risk management needs exceed the limits of the Hotline, we can design an engagement to address your specific concerns. Such direct consulting services may take the form of a focused engagement letter review, a comprehensive risk management audit, or anything in between.
  • Seminar or webinar: Attorney Picardi presents seminars and webinars for accountants across the United States. These sessions — sponsored by a variety of firms, societies, associations, or programs — are focused on issues of risk management and professional liability defense.
  • Claim and incident triage: We provide carriers with claim and incident triage services — immediate and incisive analyses of newly reported matters. This service helps carriers employ their resources to maximize the likelihood of timely, favorable, and cost-effective responses.


Browse our website to learn more about how our risk management consulting firm for accountants can help you avoid claims and defend those you cannot avoid. To get in touch with us, call (617) 320-7522 or select the service page you are interested in to learn more.